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Peace Builder 2023

LaVerne Day

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LaVerne has enjoyed serving the public as a Transformative Mediator for the Community Mediation Centers in both Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties. She serves the community in various areas of mediation, including Family, Divorce, Child Custody, and Property/Financial mediation. Laverne also facilitates diverse community groups, including the Big Conversation of Southern Maryland Partners in Dismantling Racism & Privilege, Conflict Resolution for Recovery, and Positive Parenting. LaVerne provides services to families and schools as a restorative justice practitioner for youth in Calvert County and Prince George’s County Public Schools and as an Independent IEP Facilitator for special education meetings. She works with the Teen Court in Prince George’s County and the County’s Public School, the District Court of Maryland as a mediator, and the Calvert County Circuit Court Adult Treatment Program. LaVerne also supports the community as a conflict coach. She believes in and values helping others make changes for their best possible life and feels fortunate to have grown in the field with the training, support, love, and encouragement from colleagues and collaborators within the mediation community.


LaVerne’s fascination with people and how they manage conflict led to her educational background in positive psychology. LaVerne is Board Programs Chair for the Maryland Council for Dispute Resolutions (MCDR).


Her favorite pastime is connecting with her white German Shepherd and with her horses while trail and western pleasure riding. She has had the opportunity to use her horses therapeutically for individuals with special needs.


LaVerne is the first person to receive the Volunteer of the Year award twice. Her inquisitiveness, dedication, and professionalism make her a trusted and valued volunteer for the Community Mediation Center of Calvert.





Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday by appointment

Phillips House

28 Duke  Street

Prince Frederick, MD  20678      Tel: 443.295.7456


P.O. Box 1842

Prince Frederick, MD 20678

The Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO).


© 2015 by Community Mediation Center of Calvert County. Designed by idea savvy.

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